ASHI Elects Richardson Treasurer

by Edited by ASHI Staff August 1, 2004

William (Bill) C. Richardson was elected ASHI Treasurer with more than 30 percent of eligible Members voting in the special election required due to the resignation of the original nominee for the office.

Richardson told voters he believed his background qualified him for the office. He said, “I served in this capacity for two years with the Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors, and I have been the treasurer of the Professional Networking Association in New Mexico for the past 18 years. The experience and expertise I offer as an ASHI officer and its treasurer will markedly benefit the Society during these trying times of fiscal responsibility. I am an ardent supporter of The ASHI Experience, I endorse transparency within the Society, and I encourage meaningful communications between the Board and the Council and the Council and the membership.”

Volunteering wherever he was needed most since he joined ASHI in 1989, Richardson has an impressive resume, including recipient of the Philip A. Monahon Award in 2002. He founded the New Mexico Chapter and served as its president 1994-1999 and as its representative on the council for a number of years.

On the national level, he served on the Board of Directors and chaired or served on the following committees: By-laws, Education, Standards, Legislative and CEPP.
Richardson participated in the development of the National Home Inspectors Examination by first participating on the Roll Delineation Panel, then serving as a Director and finally as Vice President for the Examination Board of Professional Home Inspections.

Through ASHI national and chapter seminars, Richardson shares the expertise he’s gained as a licensed Journeyman Electrician, licensed Commercial and Residential Contractor, ICBO Combination Dwelling Instructor, EPA Lead-based Paint inspector, and HUD-certified Assessment inspector.

He actively promotes the value of professional home inspections by participating first as a member and then as chair of the Affiliate Committee of the Albuquerque Board of Realtors.

In addition to home inspection, Richardson has a passion for hunting and fishing. He’s an NRA-certified Instructor in Five Disciplines, a N.M. Game and Fish Certified Instructor/Trainer, and served as the chair of the Albuquerque Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.

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