ASHI Elections: How the Process Works

The American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) has two basic election processes, officers and directors, each with its own electorate.
Council of Representatives (CoR)
Chapters send representatives to the Council of Representatives (CoR) for a two-year term. The CoR is subdivided into nine regional Groups. The Council meets annually, at which time each Group elects a Group Leader. The Group Leaders meet monthly by web conference.
The Council elects from within itself two nominating committees, for Officers and Directors. The Council Speaker appoints the chair of the Director Nominating Committee. The Immediate Past President is chair of the Officer Nominating Committee. The Council Speaker is elected by the Council for a two-year term.
Director Nominating Committee
Council Representatives who choose to run submit matrices to the Director Nominating Committee that include pertinent information about the nominee, including a commitment to serve if elected. The members of the Director Nominating Committee meet, parse the candidates and develop a slate. Slated nominees go on the ballot. The ballot goes to Council Reps. Reps vote. The five highest vote-getters go on the Board for a three-year term. The sixth highest vote-getter becomes the alternate.
Officer Nominating Committee
Any member in good standing can submit a matrix to the Officer Nominating Committee. The members of the Officer Nominating Committee consider the matrices and select a slate of officer nominees. These are voted on by the entire membership for a one-year term. All officers, except the Treasurer, are term-limited to one year. The Treasurer is limited to three years.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is made up of the Officers (President, President-elect, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary) and 15 Directors. The Immediate Past-President and the Speaker of the Council attend Board meetings, but they do not vote. The Board meets four times a year.
Matrix Submissions
Any Council representative is eligible to submit a matrix to run for a Director position. Any ASHI voting member is eligible to submit a matrix to run for an Officer position. Nominees must confirm in writing a willingness to serve and agree to undergo a background check. The last day to submit a Director matrix is August 15.
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