ASHI Chapters- Changing Times and New Opportunities

by Edited by ASHI Staff July 1, 2014

ASHI Chapters – Changing Times and New Opportunities

ASHI members across the country, who participate in their local chapters, value their resources and one-on-one support. As we anticipate ASHI’s 40 th anniversary next year and reflect on its history, we realize how important our chapters are…locally and nationally.

“Yes, you can go online to learn, and you can watch videos, but either there’s no interaction or it’s very limited,”” says Brian “B.K.” Thompson, past
& current Director of Education for the Ohio ASHI Chapter. “All organizations evolve and respond to changing times. That’s why local chapters are so
important…it’s where members live and work.”

B.K. was part of a core team that helped the Ohio chapters and unaffiliated inspectors successfully address their challenges and collaborate towards
reaching common goals.


In 2006, several challenges were facing Ohio home inspectors. In addition to the worst down turn in the real estate market, the Ohio ASHI chapters (Ohio
ASHI and North Central Ohio) were dealing with member involvement and participation issues. “Our key question was “what is the best way to help members and
how should we do that”?, B.K. explained that. “Our answer was education and interaction.”

The NAHI Ohio Chapter (National Association of Home Inspectors) was also facing similar challenges. So, ASHI Ohio and NAHI Ohio decided to collaborate on
educational programs, share resources and engage their members in learning and networking.

Furthermore, the State of Ohio was considering a proposed House Bill for licensing home inspectors, “While it did not pass, it fostered a new relationship
between our organizations and also increased the awareness and importance of the home inspections.”

Team Work

“The ground work for our chapters’ turnaround did not happen overnight, and it required commitment,” B.K. says. Some of the key members of the ASHI team
have been extremely important in meeting our goals of education and member benefits, and they are passionate about our industry,” B.K. adds.

· George Basista, Current President, OHIO ASHI

· David Argabright Current Vice President OHIO ASHI

· Tim Buell, past President, current Treasurer, OHIO ASHI

· David Haught, Past officer, Board Member/Associate Relations Director, OHIO ASHI

· Ken Harrington, past President, OHIO ASHI

New Programs

► Ohio Home Inspectors March Expo.
The three-day weekend event, held in Columbus, is co-sponsored by ASHI and NAHI. It features nationally recognized speakers addressing specific home
inspection issues and includes industry vendor exhibits, Friday is just for new associate members; it is free for associates. The morning starts with
“educational peer review home inspections, followed by classes to assist new associates pass the National home inspection exam, and a power point
presentation of the home’s defects from the morning inspections. A cocktail hour where ASHI President, Bill Loden, and NAHI President Forrest Lines offered
perspectives on the home inspection profession…

Regional Seminars and Programs. We also hold free, two-hour educational programs throughout the four corners of the state for all home
inspectors regardless of their affiliation. These sponsored local events attract new members as well as ASHI members. “We’re reaching out, and the response
is very positive.”

Subjects range from specific home inspection issues to tools, such as home inspection software, presented by software vendors. Other programs throughout
2014 will conclude with a four-hour seminar in December, luncheon just for the member’s spouses, followed by dinner and entertainment..

Ohio Turn-Around Moving Forward

Brian “B.K.” Thompson, ACI, is president of King Home Inspection, LLC, Lorain, OH, and is on the board of directors for Ohio ASHI. While he has a Bachelors
of Science. Degree from Ohio University and a Master of Business from Kent State University, he comes to home inspection from another educational

As an MBA, “I understand that it costs three times more to acquire new customers than it is to retain them. That’s why it’s important to keep in touch with
new members and respond to the needs and interests of all members. The results are a great group of inspectors, enthusiastic to help other members become
successful by freely sharing their knowledge and experiences”.

Ohio ASHI has excelled under the leadership of tireless and dedicated members. The chapter has had positive growth over the past five years and is now the
second largest chapter in ASHI. BK said “It is not the effort of one person, but the combined contributions of each and every member working together to
improve the profession of home inspecting.”

Golden Gate Continuing Education Program

As part of its continuing education program, Golden Gate ASHI, which meets in Berkeley, California, holds on-site training sessions several times a year.
We find a local home or other building, usually one not on the market, and carry out a group inspection. The events are open to anyone interested in home
inspection. We get a wide range of participants, from seasoned ASHI members to those just starting to think about the profession. We spend several hours
analyzing conditions, puzzling over unusual features, and discussing — or debating — how they should be reported. The event ends with discussion over lunch
in the home, garden or on the patio. That is when we discuss our findings and recommendations with the homeowners, who are always grateful to get expert
advice for free, although we do not produce written reports. The On-Sites are posted on the Chapter website,

Paul A. Rude, past president, Golden Gate ASHI

Summer Street Inspections

Golden Gate Members discuss and debate Inspection findings at their Continuing Education Program in Berkley CA.

MAC-ASHI Tech Seminar

John Bouldin, Ph.D. and ASHI member, did a fantastic presentation on engineered wood products, including the inherent strength of truss members. He
demonstrated their strength by using a 7-oz. model he fabricated.

Kenny Hart, CSI, covered a thorough education on HVAC systems through the afternoon using his furnaces and heat pumps to allow viewing of the internal

We had at least 50% attendance from the Maryland licensed home inspectors. MAC provided 16 hours between the February and May sessions.

John Bouldin, PH.D., demonstrates truss strength

ASHI Suntech Conference, May 2 & 3

ASHI Suncoast Chapter president Steve Acker reports that the Suntech Conference held in Clearwater on May 2 and 3 was a great success and well attended.
ASHI president Bill Loden spoke about current ASHI projects. The educational program included decks, ASHI Standard of Practice, low slope-roofs, report
writing, trusses, building science and wind mitigation.

To Read the Full Article

ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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