ASHI Annual Reports for 2001: Report from the President

by John Ghent February 1, 2002

It has been my pleasure!

I am pleased to conclude my Presidency with this annual report and a heartfelt thanks to all who helped shape our continued growth over the past year. I am continually in awe of the volunteer spirit of our Membership. I am impressed with the dedication and caring nature of our staff. I am very pleased with the results of our outside assistance groups, such as our Public Relations firm and our “Man-in-Washington,” as well as other ASHI vendors. From the bottom to the top, inside and out, ASHI Rules!

A year of growth and accomplishments

Here are a few highlights from this past year:

• We have continued to maintain our financial strength with no major operational problems on the horizon. Our building will be paid off in two years, and we have room to grow within our walls for future needs.  

• Our Web site continues to gain users as our Members realize its value.  Real estate agents and brokers have increased their use of our site because of its capability to pinpoint ASHI Membership near them. Referral work to our Membership from the Web site is growing exponentially.

• Our annual conference continues to be the best source of information and new technology regarding our profession, and it continues to be the largest gathering of home inspection professionals in the world.

• Our Membership retention remains high. Inquiries from new inspectors coming into the profession remain steady. We have achieved a milestone – we now have more Members than Candidates, and we are working on strategies for greater membership growth. In addition, we are improving our close ties with our Canadian members.

• Our ASHI name is being publicized as it has never been before, and we are now sought out on questions of importance at a national level. The more prominent our name becomes on the national level, the more inspectors want to join us. We are acknowledged by other inspection groups as being the voice of the inspection profession. Adherence to our strategic plan and the use of our newly adopted decision making process at the Board level has been and will continue to be a positive change in the way your leaders make important decisions.

Working to expand our reach

A survey between the National Association of Realtors® and ASHI highlighted a number of important factors about how many homes are inspected each year. The numbers surprised everyone, and gave us much needed insight into what ASHI needs to concentrate on in the coming years. We represent what we believe to be about 30 percent of the professional home inspectors across the country. One of our targets is to expand that representation.

Passing the baton

I am looking forward to my year sitting at the side of the Board table now that Mike Casey will be at the helm. ASHI is fortunate to have a man of his caliber as President. He also has a quality team of dedicated people behind him.

I have been both humbled and strengthened by my experience as your President. I offer my deepest thanks to each and every one of you who I met and talked with this year. I thank those who have written and offered their words of support. Most of all, I am personally thankful that I have had this opportunity. It has been a pleasure to serve you.

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