ASHI Annual Awards Presented at InspectionWorld Austin
Phillip C. Monahon Award
Ken Salvo accepts 2004 Philip C. Monahon Achievement Award from 2003 recipient William Richardson
“Long lasting friendships with other home inspectors from near and far have been nurtured over the years as a direct result of my involvement with ASHI. I receive much more than I give. The loyalty and enthusiasm that I feel for the ASHI organization and for the principals on which it was founded, is transparent. I take pride in knowing that this work has given voice to the countless members who are unable to serve.”
—Ken Salvo, immediate past president Garden State Chapter
Salvo’s comments reflect those that caught the attention of the Awards Committee, all former Monahon Award recipients themselves, as they considered nomination forms submitted by the ASHI Members.
“His involvement at the national and chapter levels has always focused on improving the home inspection industry. He provided a voice for those he represents in the
In the nomination form, Salvo was described as demonstrating a similar sense of vision. “As a member of the Strategic Planning Task Force, his voice was heard on the direction of which the association would travel.” He met all the award’s criteria—an ASHI Member who is dedicated to ASHI’s goals and ideals as stated in the Code of Ethics and who, as a Member, has rendered outstanding contributions to ASHI for a minimum of five years.
ASHI also honors Philip C. Monahon with an annual donation of $500 in his name to the Newton-Wellesley Hospital in Newton, Mass.
President’s Award
Bob Kociolek receives 2004 President’s Award presented by Stephen Gladstone
“What a great honor to be the first staff member to receive the President’s Award. I’m going to share this with everyone at HQ because, to be honest, there are many who deserve this just as much, if not more, than I do. Most importantly, it shows that the membership and staff are really one team. Finally, special thanks to Dennis Parra, Sr., chair of the 2004 Chapter Relations Committee, Andy Kasznay and Don Norman, co-chairs of the 2004 Legislative Committee, and Larry Cerro, 2004 COR speaker, for making me look good.”
—Bob Kociolek, ASHI director of chapter relations and state affairs
John F. Cox Award
Frank Lesh accepts 2004 John E. Cox Award presented by Larry Cerro, 2004 speaker, Council of Representatives
“I’ve had the honor of knowing eight of the past recipients of the Cox Award. If you know any of these guys, thank them. They’re some of the dedicated Members who have helped you and me get where we are. What a stellar group: J.D. Grewell, Victor Faggella, William Mason, William Lumpkin, Jay Balin, Danny Maynard, Kenneth R. Young, Mark S. Kerns, John Annunziata, Norman Becker, Douglas Hansen, M.B. Speed Williams, Jules Falcone, John E. Cox and James E. Gaddy. Thanks, guys.”
—Frank Lesh
Established in 1990, the Cox Award honors individuals who have made exemplary contributions to their chapter. John Cox was an astounding person who made friends with inspectors from all over the country. He served ASHI by being on and chairing committees, as well as serving as an ASHI director while simultaneously acting as an officer and director for the various chapters to which he belonged.
Since joining ASHI in 1990 and the Great Lakes Chapter in 1991, Frank Lesh has served his chapter well. According to his peers who nominated him, he has an “unselfish devotion to his chapter and more importantly to the home inspection profession.
“Not only home inspection professionals, but also related inspection groups and programs continually seek his instructional insight.
“He continues today seeking a better home inspection profession, believes and promotes the principals of ASHI, and has proven his total professional and personal
Ironman Award
2004 Ironman Skip Kelley receives award from Stephen Gladstone
“It is an honor for me to receive this award. As I said at InspectionWorld, ‘If you’re new to this profession, tie your wagon to one of the leaders….’ A foolish person repeats his mistakes. A smart person learns by his mistakes. A genius learns from other people’s mistakes. Currently a leader? Remember it’s what you learn after you know it all that counts. The best exercise for your heart is reaching down to help someone up the ladder of success. God bless.”
—Skip Kelley
As he presented the Ironman Award plaque, outgoing president Stephen Gladstone described Skip Kelley as truly dedicated to ASHI and the membership; as a person who puts his whole heart into his service to the society; is everything you want a volunteer leader to be. He exemplifies every fine quality of a leader: hard working, a consensus builder, a facilitator. His true goal is to support the best interests of ASHI.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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