ASHI All Over the Little Screen
The CNN National Cable Network called on Rob Paterkiewciz, ASHI executive director, to serve as the expert for its “Financial News” program on home inspections. Participating via remote hook-up, he helped commentators explain why buyers should have existing homes and new construction inspected, what to expect from an inspection, and how to choose a qualified home inspector. Viewers were directed to the ASHI Web site to learn more about home inspections and to find qualified inspectors. The segment was broadcast three times on June 20, 2003.
ABC’s local news featured two ASHI Members following the tragic collapse of back porches on a building in Chicago killing 13 and injuring 57. ASHI Director Charles Bellefontaine, Chicagoland Home and Building Inspections, Bolingbrook Ill. and Member Corey Friedman, Greater Chicago Home Inspections, Northbrook, Ill., were interviewed at a three-flat building where similar porches were under construction. Identified as ASHI Members, they spoke about porch construction and safety concerns.
ASHI Member Jack Feldmann, Clayton Inspection Service Inc., Knoxville, Tenn. appeared as a judge on the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) network’s Warehouse Warriors program, July 3 and July 6. DIY is HGTV’s sister network and the program pits two three-person teams against each other designing and constructing a predetermined do-it-yourself project in a special warehouse, stocked with tools and supplies. At the end of the competition, a panel of judges examines the work and chooses a winner.
Local and national news sources looking for real estate transaction, home inspection or construction expertise routinely turn to ASHI. Often reporters and producers contact Publicis Dialogue, ASHI’s public relations firm, but just as often they work through a local chapter or contact. If you’re in the news, please let us know. E-mail ( or mail the information to Sandy Bourseau at HQ.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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