ASHI alerts members to drywall breaking news

by Edited by ASHI Staff January 1, 2010

In First Thing, the first-of-the-month ASHI e-newsletter, members were provided with the following information:

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a press release and technical reports covering the government’s investigation of complaints about drywall. Both are available at the Drywall Information Center.

To view archived issues of First Thing on the ASHI Web site, go to Members Only, Publications, E-newsletters.

Important dates

  • The Annual Council of Representatives Meeting will be held in Las Vegas Jan. 16.
  • The Annual ASHI Business Meeting will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 19, in Las Vegas.

CE audit begins in January 2010

ASHI staff is charged with conducting an audit of Continuing Education (CE) hours every January.

A list of 300-400 ACIs and Associates is randomly generated from our database, including at least one member from each chapter.

The people on the list are notified to turn in documentation supporting the CE hours on their CE claim form.
Documentation can include certificates of completion, invoices, certificates of attendance, etc.

If the documentation does not verify the required number of hours, the inspector fails the audit and is placed on Administrative Suspension until he or she submits the proper documentation.

Be prepared: We encourage you to keep your certificates in one place throughout the year so if audited, compiling the information will be fast and easy.

Questions? Contact

New name for NOCA

NOCA, the organization that recently recognized ASHI’s credential program, has changed its name to the Institute for Credentialing Excellence.

Along with a new name, it has a new Web site URL and e-mail address:

New Web site URL:

New general e-mail address:

The new name recognizes that it has evolved and expanded to serve a broader range of organizations within the ever-growing credentialing industry.

Attention Chapter Presidents: Info needed

To ensure chapter information on file is current, we’re asking all chapter presidents to e-mail their name and contract information, plus the name and contact information for the person who serves as the primary contact for the chapter to Sarah Walsh at

There are two fields available in the database for two contact people for each chapter. A list of chapter presidents is available online.

The ASHI chapter information in the ASHI Reporter is NOT a listing of chapter presidents. It directs readers to the person or Web site with information about joining the chapter, attending meetings and events, etc. If you would like chapter contact information changed in the ASHI Reporter, please send the new information to

Current ASHI membership

ASHI Certified Inspectors:  3,689
Associates/Logo: 142
Associates: 1,873
Retired Members: 155
Affiliates: 89
Total: 5,948

ASHI calendar of events

  • Jan. 16, 2010, Council of Representatives meeting, Las Vegas, Nev.
  • Jan. 17, 2010, Board meeting, Las Vegas, Nev.
  • Jan. 17-20, 2010, InspectionWorld, Las Vegas, Nev.
  • April 24, 2010, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
  • July 24, 2010, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
  • Oct 23, 2010, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
  • Jan. 25-28, 2011, InspectionWorld, Atlanta, Ga.Jan. 4-7, 2012, InspectionWorld, Phoenix, Ariz.
  • Jan. 13-16, 2013, InspectionWorld, Las Vegas, Nev.

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