ASHI Aims for New Members

by Anthony Snyder November 1, 2004

New recruitment program waives some testing requirements for members of California and Texas home inspection groups

At its July meeting, the ASHI Board of Directors approved motions from the Membership Committee that will allow qualified members of two state associations to join ASHI while waiving two examination requirements. The new recruitment effort extends to members in the California Real Estate Inspection Association (CREIA) and members of the Texas Association of Real Estate Inspectors (TAREI).

The National Home Inspection Examination and the ASHI Standards of Practice Examination will not be required for CREIA members who hold the level of Certified CREIA Inspector (CCI), and TAREI members who have earned the Certified Professional Inspector (CPI) membership classification and have obtained a license through the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) as a “Professional Inspector” via the sponsorship program. Applicants must provide proof of their status in their respective organizations and are required to submit proof of inspections for verification.

ASHI leadership recognized the opportunity to approach groups that had membership requirements equal to our own. The offer to CREIA and TAREI members will impact the association only positively through the addition of the best and brightest from these two groups.

“This is not a blanket acceptance of untrained, inexperienced members of a group,” said Stephen Gladstone, 2004-2005 ASHI President. “This is only for those who have demonstrated their skills and abilities and have experience. We are extending reciprocity only to those who have achieved a higher level of experience.”

All individuals from CREIA and TAREI interested in joining ASHI still are required to enter ASHI as a Candidate for a minimum of 30, days and to submit proof of 50 paid inspections to become a Candidate with logo or 250 inspections to be a full Member.

“We know the testing is seen by many as threatening and expensive,” said Gladstone. “Others feel they have already proven their knowledge and business acumen.”

In the coming weeks, the ASHI Headquarters will be preparing and mailing new recruitment pieces to qualified CREIA and TAREI members encouraging them to consider membership in ASHI. It is estimated that up to 2,000 potential members will be contacted through this program.

“The process has a series of checks and balances, with the allied organizations and ASHI continually monitoring it for changes,” said Don Lovering, 2004 chair of the ASHI Membership Committee. “The system has not been ‘dummied down’ to increase membership or dues, but is an effective way to gain a larger voice within the industry. A voice of 6,000 is great. A voice of 10,000 is thunder.”

Gladstone indicated that individuals from CREIA and TAREI who join ASHI will enjoy all of the benefits of membership.

“They will benefit by participating in our programs, our forums, attending our educational sessions and joining the largest and oldest society of home inspectors,” he said. “ASHI will benefit by them being partners with us.”

Lovering believes that this provides increased opportunities for these new members to have a “vehicle to stay informed of changes in the industry, local and national legislation, acquire additional education and be part of a national inspectors’ association.”

The first of the new CREIA members to join ASHI began arriving in October, following ASHI’s participation at the fall CREIA conference in California. A formal notice of the opportunities available to CREIA and TAREI members was scheduled to be mailed earlier this month.

“We need to look at the good groups of qualified inspectors and look for ways we can help each other,” said Gladstone. “New inspectors must still meet certain requirements and our report verification. The bar is held high and our membership will grow with more skilled inspectors joining our ranks.”

In addition to these new opportunities with CREIA and TAREI, in October 2003, ASHI offered similar opportunities to members of the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors (those with a registered home inspection designation) and New Jersey licensed inspectors (who have passed the NHIE and have report verification as substantial compliance) to become full members in ASHI.

For more information, contact Anthony Snyder, director of membership and marketing, at



Founded in 1976, the California Real Estate Inspection Association (CREIA) is a voluntary, nonprofit public-benefit organization of real estate inspectors made up of more than 1,250 members.

The Texas Association of Real Estate Inspectors (TAREI), formed in 1977, is a statewide professional organization uniting 520 inspectors and related professionals.


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