ASHI Addresses Congressional Hispanic Caucus in D.C.

by Sandy Bourseau August 1, 2006

ASHI was invited by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) to present to their group of members of Congress the new ASHI home inspection materials that have been translated into Spanish to serve the Hispanic market.

With security requirements taken care of in advance and accompanied by ASHI’s man in D.C., Randy Pence of Capitol Hill Advocates, Inc., Rob Paterkiewicz, ASHI executive director, and Joe Caballero, an ASHI Member from Boynton Beach, Fla., quickly cleared Capitol Hill police security on June 29.

It was standing-room only as the members of CHC and their staffs gathered for the ASHI presentation, which emphasized ASHI’s support of the group’s goal to help Hispanic individuals successfully partake in the American dream of homeownership.
To this end, Paterkiewicz discussed ASHI’s place in the profession, and how ASHI came to initiate the development of the materials.

Caballero, whose company, 5th Avenue Building Inspection, Inc., serves many Spanish-speaking clients, provided examples of how the materials are useful to homebuyers.

Although this was an educational presentation, ASHI let the CHC know it was eager to work with the group to develop a message on buying homes, accessing ASHI’s Hispanic materials and securing the services of a home inspector.

About the CHC

There are 21 members of Congress in the CHC, with, on average, 630,000 constituents in each congressional district. If all CHC members were to mail their districts regarding the need for home inspections and the availability of materials in Spanish, there is the potential for ASHI to reach, in a focused way, more than 13 million individuals with a positive message about ASHI home inspectors.

With common goals, ASHI may find that members of the CHC become important allies in ASHI’s efforts to serve the non-English-speaking homebuyer, and to pass legislation favorable to ASHI and home inspection.

A fairly last minute but highly productive meeting took place later in the day with the Home Valuation Division staff of HUD regarding newly proposed changes to form HUD-92564-CN, “For Your Protection: Get a Home Inspection.” ASHI has played an instrumental role in enhancing this notification on the importance of obtaining a professional home inspection. We anticipate reporting an important change in this document as a result of our meeting.

ASHI had also been invited to meet with the White House staff to discuss crystal meth. With this meeting, the trio wrapped up their busy and
productive day on the Hill.  (Photo: (L to r) Kent Lunsford of the White House Office of National Drug Policy met with Rob Paterkiewicz, ASHI executive director; Joey Caballero, ASHI Member; and ASHI’s lobbyist Randy Pence, Capitol Hill Advocates, Inc.)

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