ASHI 2003 Awards Presented at InspectionWorld

by Edited by ASHI Staff March 1, 2004

Prestigious Philip C. Monahon Award goes to Robinson

Roger Robinson’s exceptional and innovative contributions to ASHI’s growth earned RogerRobinsonandBill.gif him the Society’s most prestigious award: the Philip C. Monahon Achievement Award. Presented by Bill Richardson, last year’s recipient, Robinson was recognized for continuously serving on committees for the last 15 years. As the Chapter Development Committee chair, he oversaw the streamlining of chapter formation procedures and wrote a chapter development manual. The number of ASHI chapters quadrupled from 10 to 40 while he was chair. Earlier, Robinson participated in negotiating an alliance with the California Real Estate Inspection Association, bringing close to 100 members into the Society. He has been described as a tireless volunteer, working in the trenches by serving on ASHI’s Examination, Complaints, Membership and Standards and Ethics Committees. This year, he heads up the Ethics Committee. His elected positions include current East Bay CREIA chapter president, the most recent of five terms as a chapter president; former ASHI Director and ASHI council pepresentative. As required to receive the award, he is an ASHI Member who is dedicated to the Society’s goals and ideals, and who has rendered outstanding contributions to the Society for five or more years. Robinson is recognized by many of his peers as one of the pioneers who shaped the definition of a home inspector, promoting the value of education and consumer protection, as he served as a valuable resource for his fellow inspectors.

The recipient of the Monahon Award is chosen from individuals nominated by the Membership. A cash donation of $500.00 annually is made to the Newton-Wellesley Hospital in the name of Philip C. Monahon.

Grewell honored with John E. Cox Award

JD-Grewell.gif JD Grewell, MAC-ASHI chapter, was chosen to receive the John E. Cox Award by the Council of Representatives in recognition of his exemplary contributions to his chapter. In the past, he’s been honored for his national service with the Philip C. Monahon Award (1998) and the Ironman Award (2001). This year, Grewell earned the chapter service award for introducing a mentoring program that features senior inspectors conducting an hour of technical training prior to monthly meetings; overseeing the chapter’s annual crab feast for the past 16 years, fostering camaraderie among chapter members and their families; playing a prominent role in shaping home inspection legislation for Maryland; and holding numerous elected and appointed chapter positions over the years.

As Larry Cerro, speaker of the council of representatives, presented the award to Grewell, he said that according to his peers, Grewell is a potent voice for home inspectors in his region who frequently interacts with the news media; he actively participates in all COR meetings as a contributing member of the Society; and he arranges for industry experts from allied trades to speak at his chapter’s monthly meetings and at the annual technical seminar.

President’s Award and Ironman Award go to Ueland and Grant

The President’s Award plaque reads, “For outstanding service to the President and Board of Directors during the year 2002. Your peers and fellows humbly extend this memento to you as a token of our highest esteem and regard for your service.”

Outgoing President Rich Matzen said he chose Chris Ueland for this award because, “Chris has been faithfully working on the Standards of Practice for several years. In 2003, Chris took on the monumental task of examining the Code of Ethics that has served the Society for its first 27 years. He and his committee undertook a wide study that included all stakeholders and their needs where ethics are concerned, and created a Code of Ethics for the profession — one that offers an invaluable process of examination for our profession.”
The Ironman Award was established in 1998 because every organization has its unsung heroes who labor quietly in the background, but with great dedication. This award recognizes an individual Member who has given time, energy, talent and determination to ASHI over a long period of time and with little recognition.

Matzen chose Brion Grant for this award because Brion has been “a steady worker on ASHI committees for many years. In recent years, he took the lead on the ASHI white paper, which summarizes ASHI’s position on legislation in each state. Brion has continued to update and monitor legislation in order to keep the white paper current. He also accepted the responsibly of being the ASHI spokes-person regarding legislation, and has represented ASHI well.”

Gulf Coast and Arizona chapters exceed expectations

On behalf of the Chapter Relations Committee, Dennis Parra, Sr., chair (left), announced the winners of the Chapter Recognition Award. Gulf Coast was recognized for the highest percentage of growth by an ASHI chapter and Arizona for the greatest increase in numbers. Both exceeded the expectations for growth. Paul Staron (right) accepted the award for Arizona.
In addition to announcing the winners of what will become an annual award, the committee also recognized the following chapters for their success in bringing in new members:

  • Great Plains Chapter     
  • Great Lakes Chapter
  • Northern Illinois Chapter     
  • Greater Ozark Chapter
  • Mid-Tennessee Chapter

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