Around The CoRner

by Jim Funkhouser September 1, 2016

This month, I want to motivate all you chapter leaders to register for and attend the Leadership Training Conference (LTC) that will be held October 20-21 in Des Plaines, IL. For this year’s LTC, B.K. Thompson, Chapter Relations Committee Chair, and Ken Harrington, CRC Board Liaison, as well as members of the ASHI staff have been working hard to put together a true “Back to Basics” schedule. The information that will be presented is vital to every well-functioning chapter. How so? (I knew you were going to ask.) 

In just a day and a half, LTC covers a lot. The program includes a dynamite motivational speaker, how-to sessions on putting together seminars on a shoestring budget and how to webcast your chapter meetings. 

However, the best part is this: There will be breakout sessions focused on helping your chapter’s President and Vice President, your Secretary, your Treasurer and your Education Chair. Assuming that these positions in your chapter are, more often than not, “won” in a game of hot potato, you’re aware that there is little instruction given as to what your job actually is when you “assume the position.” This will change with these new practical and informational sessions at this year’s LTC. 

Be sure to get together soon with your chapter leaders to decide who should go to LTC from your chapter. I ask that you concentrate on sending your newer, up-and-coming leaders rather than those who have already attended the LTC more than twice. It’s those who are newest to our fold who can benefit the most from the LTC program. 

Hope to see you there! ~ Jim 

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