Arizona produces PSA

by Sandy Bourseau March 1, 2009

Randy West, Bruce LaBell and Roger Skaggs (left to right in photo above) teamed up to produce a public service announcement for their chapter. LaBell promises to report on how the message is received by the local media.

Western Washington seizes opportunity; promotes members

“Is your home safe for occupancy after recent storms?” was the headline for the press release from the Western Washington Chapter.

The release continued:

“With the recent snows and floods, homes may not be safe for occupancy. Heavy, wet snows can cause structural roof damage often only visible from the attic space. Cracked trusses, damaged flashing and roof decking are a few conditions that can create the need for extensive repairs. Floods cause foundation damage, loosen footings and damage the floor structure. The members of the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) are highly trained inspectors with the experience to evaluate attic and crawl space conditions. Find an ASHI inspector in your area by going to”

Also included were safety precautions for those returning to their homes — information sure to catch the eye of
editors and producers looking for stories of interest to their storm-battered audiences.

Chapters are welcome to piggyback on national releases but, as Western Washington knows, they are more likely to catch the attention of the media serving their prospective customers by writing a release about a current regional issue and distributing it to local contacts.  

Smith plugs ASHI in Mississippi

Gary Smith, the president of the Mississippi Chapter, was able to mention ASHI in a press release announcing a statewide green building competition.

The release described how homes would be inspected during construction by an NAHB-Certified Verifier to ensure green measures were implemented properly and to educate the homebuyer on how to use the energy-efficient features of the home. He was quoted as follows:

“‘With any green home, education is essential,’ said ASHI inspector Gary N. Smith with SafeHome Inspections. ‘A builder can install energy-efficient equipment, appliances and design techniques, I can inspect and verify the construction, but if homeowner education is not included in the process, the home will not perform to its full potential,’ he added.”

Smith is an NAHB Green Buildings Verifier who spoke on camera and at a MC Home Corp. conference about the importance of building green.

Funkhouser guests on Marston’s radio show

Jim Funkhouser, NOVA ASHI chapter president, was the featured guest January 14 and 21, 2009, on Reggie
Marston’s weekly radio show, “The House P.I.”
Marston also is an ASHI and NOVA member. His show can be heard in the Northern Virginia area on Cox Cable, Verizon FIO’s television channel 37, Comcast channel 27 and via Web cast at

On the show, Funkhouser talked about what he has been encountering in the foreclosured homes he’s been inspecting, and how to locate and interview a
qualified home inspector.

Please send your media success stories and photos to:
Sandy Bourseau, ASHI Reporter
932 Lee St., Des Plaines, IL 60016

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