April is National Home Inspection Month

by Anthony Snyder April 1, 2007

Are you ready to use this month to help educate others on the importance of a home inspection?

Once again, ASHI will draw attention to April as National Home Inspection Month with a formal media release that highlights the importance of a home inspection as an annual checkup for one’s home. The media release, which all ASHI members may download from the Web site and localize for their own use, reminds consumers about the importance of having their homes professionally inspected whether they are buying, selling or just staying put and want to know how their home has fared during the long winter.

There are many ways National Home Inspection Month can be used:

  • The local media release draws media attention to an ASHI professional in the community.
  • Chapters may secure a proclamation from their mayor or other local official, which can generate even more press.
  • Chapters could use April as a big recruitment month for new members—consider a special fee for anyone who joins the chapter in April.
  • Consider a special advertising poster for a neighborhood bulletin board or inside real estate offices that showcases your skills during this special month.
  • The media are always looking for a “hook” with which to tell a story. In April, the stage is set to tell ours.

Share how you’ve used the month to boost business, tell us your story! Contact anthonys@ashi.org.

ASHI in the Media

“KC man receives award from American Society of Home Inspectors” was the headline in the Kansas City Star. The accompanying article reported Ronald Rusch of Rusch Associates in Kansas City has received the 2006 President’s Award from the American Society of Home Inspectors. It also appeared on the newspaper’s Web site.

ASHI was the only home inspector association listed in the “Where to go for help” sidebar to CNNMoney.com’s article “Dark side of the housing boom: Shoddy work.”

ASHI’s Virtual Home Inspection is included in the Home Care and Repair section (p.15) of April’s Family Handyman magazine. Several ASHI members contributed to an article being developed by Eric Smith, the magazine’s associate editor, on diagnosing common house problems and how to fix them.

ASHI member JD Grewell spotted a recommendation to use ASHI in a Washington Post question and answer column by Benny L. Kass titled, “The Safety Net Buyers Can’t Afford to Be Without.”

The Denver Post ran an article describing ASHI’s Spanish materials on Jan. 22. The article was based on the Oct. 2006 release, “No Habla English, No Problema: ASHI Releases Spanish Resources.”

The ASHI press release, “Quality over Quantity: What Consumers Need To Know About Home Inspection in 2007,” was posted on RisMedia February 2. Monthly press releases are distributed to real estate and consumer interest reporters at daily and community newspapers, syndicated writers, freelancers and trades.

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