Add to Your Membership Profile and Watch Your Business Grow

by Jennifer Gallegos December 7, 2017

It’s that season again, the weather is cooler (or maybe even freezing, depending on your location) and families are getting together to celebrate the holidays. This also means that your home inspection business may be slowing down for a bit, freeing up some of your time.

If you are an avid reader of the Reporter, you may recall that last month we described how to update your Find an Inspector Settings profile. I hope those instructions helped many of you to take on this challenge, but for those who haven’t updated your profile yet… what are you waiting for? Jump in! Now’s the time to update your information and sell yourself to potential clients who are looking for a home inspector in your local area.

That said, I’m going to jump in myself and talk about another part of the ASHI website with which you should become familiar—the Membership Profile page.

Here’s what you should do. Hover your mouse over the Members-Only tab and click My Membership from the list. This will take you to the page with My Membership links. Click on the blue link called Membership Profile. For all you Facebook users, the Membership Profile page is very similar to Facebook’s “About” page. ASHI’s Membership Profile page allows you to edit your password, address, phone number and email. You also can add your business web address and select the chapter you belong to. 

You’ll notice that on this page you have the option to upload your business logo, add a picture of yourself and write a short biography statement. This information is not public and it’s only available to other members for networking purposes. For example, if you are a new member and you want to learn more about the current President or board members, all you have to do is go to the membership directory and click on Board of Directors and, Voila! You have a list of members with biographies, pictures and contact information, and you can reach out to them. 

Besides updating your personal information for networking purposes, you’ll notice that there are eight drop-down fields that say Expertise 1, Expertise 2 and so on. These fields offer a myriad of choices from which to select. You can select a language as an expertise; there are 11 languages from which to choose. Do you perform inspections on historic homes? There is a selection for that, too. There are more than 60 topics of expertise from which to select, and you can choose up to eight to display on your profile. 

The lists of your expertise not only show up on your membership profile, they will also show up when a client is looking for a home inspector on the Find a Home Inspector search tool. A client or real estate agent also could look for a home inspector by using the More search options and selecting an expertise. 

Want to add some special expertise to your skillset and your profile?
The ASHI School offers ancillary courses you can take to broaden your services. The ASHI School offers classes about mold, radon, commercial and four-point inspections and wind mitigation classes. Please contact Tracy Garcia, Sales Representative for the ASHI School, at for more information and to sign up for classes.

Also, ASHI is a partner of the U.S. Department of Energy and Inspection Depot’s ID Energy program, which offers Home Energy Score Assessor training. For more information on the Home Energy Score Training program, visit: or contact me at

With all of these options to broaden your services and gain more clients, why wouldn’t you take advantage?! Add your expertise to your profile and see your business grow!

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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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