A whole lot of you loved the idea of electronic voting

by Edited by ASHI Staff June 1, 2002

With more than 50 percent of the ballots returned, the change to the
bylaws allowing electronic voting was approved. More voting Mem-bers responded to this issue than to any other issue in recent years, and the “yes” vote was close to unanimous.

ASHI visits D.C.

Rob Paterkiewicz, executive director; Randy Pence, ASHI lobbyist; Mike Casey, ASHI president; and Rich Matzen, ASHI president elect went to Washington, D.C. in May. During the whirlwind, two-day trip, they met with Government Accounting Office (GAO) officials, representatives of the National Association of Home Builders  (NAHB) and of the Appraisal Institute, the media and key Hill staffers. The group provided GAO officials with input for the GAO study of home inspection requested by Congressman Douglas Bereuter (R-NE) late last year.

The meeting with NHBA offered an opportunity to discuss areas of mutual interest to the two associations, such as exchanging technical information and enhancing the relationship between inspectors and homebuilders. The meeting with the Appraisal Institute (AI) was to finalize a joint letter to the federal agency for Home and Urban Development HUD) suggesting needed changes to the Home Buyer Protection Program that both organizations believe are necessary. ASHI and AI are also working to build closer professional relationships between appraisers and inspectors.

Visits with the media and key Capitol Hill staffers were planned. Pence opened doors for ASHI in the district, and the leadership was there to take advantage of the opportunities to participate in activities related to home inspections. Details to come next month.

Update your own membership records

You can update your own Membership information by updating your profile on the electronic membership directory on ashi.org, Members Only section. There is no need to notify HQ after you’ve made your changes.

If you do not have access to ashi.org, notify HQ of changes to your profile by fax or mail.

On the horizon…Watch for developments

• Technical committee called on to develop questions for Business Operations Study

• Advertising space on ASHI Web site being sold

• New product catalogue in your mailbox soon

ASHI activities

• June 4, 2002, Finance Committee meeting, St. Louis, Mo.

• July 12-13, 2002, Board of Directors meeting and town hall gathering, Phoenix, Ariz.

• October 25, 2002, Chapter Leadership Day, Chicago, Ill.

• October 26, 2002, Board of Directors meeting, Chicago, Ill.

• January 15, 2003, Board of Directors meeting, Orlando, Fla.

• January 15-18, 2003 INSPECTIONWORLD, Orlando, Fla.

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