A Time for Appreciation

by Michael Casey November 1, 2002

Have you heard the great news?  ASHI paid off the mortgage on the headquarters building at 932 Lee Street in Des Plaines. This is an important milestone in the history of our Society.  Congratulations to all the ASHI Members and Candidates who participated in owning this building with the Society.

Your board is “not in the business of acquiring wealth, but instead charged with maintaining financial stability and independence for the Society,” ASHI Secretary Joe Corsetto once explained. He can sound pretty smart sometimes.  As a result of this recent accomplishment, ASHI does not have to worry about the costs of leasing or mortgage payments. We can focus even greater attention on building the Society and enhancing the benefits of Membership. Of course, we will direct some to our reserve fund. This fund provides a safety net for down times, emergencies, or just plain unexpected expenses.

I would like to again thank John Ghent who, when he was Treasurer of the Society, took on the job of locating property for ASHI, overseeing the purchase, and making sure ASHI had sufficient reserves.

Your current board (and I suspect past and future boards) has the financial wellness of the Society in mind at all times when making decisions. We also do our best at allocating funds to benefit Members and Candidates as best as possible. During the past few months, ASHI’s Web site added exciting enhancements: online voting and membership renewal, as well as the debut of the Legislative Action Center. This and more was accomplished without raising dues. The Society also continued to build for the future, by meeting its Membership goal of 6,000, and by continuing efforts to reach out to the public, government bodies and agencies, and national organizations with similar interests.

CREIA Conference

At the end of September I attended the California Real Estate Inspection Association fall educational conference. This turned out to be the largest conference ever for them with more than 500 attendees. I spoke at the general session, as well as at the board meeting and at the Coalition of California Home Inspectors. It was good to see my long-time friends in California. ASHI’s relationship with CREIA should be an example of the type of interaction ASHI should try to have with all state

Talking about the future reminds me I have less than a quarter of my term left! I can’t believe how fast this year is going. Soon Rich Matzen will be president and I will be a has-been like John Ghent and the others. It has been fun and a learning experience. I expect these next few months will be equally exciting.

Take care, talk next month.

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