A Personal Note
As I write this editorial, the first American response is being delivered to the Taliban leaders in Afghanistan. The events of September 11, 2001 have changed our country forever. If this tragedy is to serve any purpose, it should be to bring us together once again as a people. I have only seen this kind of unified fervent patriotism one other time in my life – during the Second World War. It feels good to see so many people waving the flag again.
America has always been and will continue to be defined by its immigrant citizens. Each new wave brings to our shores a new ingredient to add to our melting pot. America is the product of so many different peoples from many places with differing customs and histories. This is a key element in the strength of our nation, and I am proud that ASHI’s membership is strongly representative of so many diverse cultures and religions. We must work hard to remain united, to be strong and to continue to seek our common goal – liberty and justice for all. God bless America.
Continuing success
As you read this, ASHI will have just held its sixth consecutive Chapter Leadership Day in Chicago. As would be expected, there was a significant increase in the number of people who registered for the event. Again this year, the day was dedicated to training and to exposing chapter leaders to the operations of our Society. The day included discussions with committee chairs, introductions to officers and staff and for the first time a brief encounter with our relatively new Knowledge -Based-Decision-Making process. This day was designed to help leaders form new ideas on improving chapter operations and above all to personalize the communication between the chapters and headquarters.
Witness Board in action
Every year, the October Board Meeting is held the day after Chapter Leadership Day to give ASHI Members an opportunity to attend the meeting and become familiar with the workings of the Board. We know many of the attendees will have stayed to witness the Board in action, and I hope they went away suitably impressed.
Growth tied to Chapters
ASHI is only as strong as its Members are and by extension its Chapters. Yet it is a sad fact that less than 50 percent of our membership belongs to a chapter. The growth of our Chapter structure continues at a good pace. The splitting of a larger chapter into smaller groups is not a new concept. I was the sitting president of the original Metro Chapter in New York when we decided to split. We divided into three chapters, which have subsequently divided into many others.
Each time a new ASHI chapter has been formed, it’s been overwhelmingly successful for those individuals who pursed its establishment. It has been our experience that short travel distances result in more frequent meetings, thus more mutual cooperation among local competitors.
More meetings also mean increased education, thus more informed inspectors. These chapters are also able to react more nimbly to legislative or disaster events. ASHI National is ready to assist all our chapters with legislative issues by providing a policies and assistance manual.
New Chapter welcomed
We continue to encourage new chapter formation and remind all that it only takes three members to file an application to start a new chapter in your area. Those wishing more information can contact headquarters.
Let’s build for the future together.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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