A Meeting of the Minds in Ohio
An Ohio Chapter meeting provided the opportunity for leaders from ASHI to meet and talk with Forrest Lines, NAHI’s vice president.
Pictured from left to right: Tim Buell, ASHI director; Russell Daniels, ASHI director of chapter relations; Marvin Goldstein, ASHI president; Forrest Lines, NAHI vice president; Dave Haught, ASHI Chapter Relations Committee chair; and Ken Harrington, Ohio Chapter president.
Suncoast Members Roll Up Their Sleeves for Blitz Build
Members from the Suncoast Chapter took part in the Pinellas County Habitat for Humanity February 2012 Blitz Build. For several, this was the second year they participated. The Blitz Build built two houses in one week. Suncoast volunteered for the Sunday morning shift at 7 a.m. on what is considered a cold day in Pinellas County (yes, it was below 70 degrees). Pictured l to r: Kevin Koplar, John Petruccelli, Don Arnold, Tony Marino, Mark Cramer, Mark Flanzbaum, Ann Flanzbaum, Mike Oberacker and Steve Kocian. Submitted by Michael Oberacker, Suncoast chapter president.
Banners with Gold Standard logo now available
The form to order the banner is in the Members-Only section of ashi.org, under Downloads and Forms.
Chapter rosters
Please send your chapter rosters to Russell Daniels at headquarters. The deadline is June 1, but why not do it now and get it off your to-do list?
Chapter Education Resource Page
Located here on the ASHI website, this page is a one-stop shop location for chapter education coordinators to locate educational opportunities and program topics, speakers, ideas and more. Contact Michele George, education manager for assistance: micheleg@ashi.org.
Has your chapter responded to group exemption letter?
In an effort to add chapter value, as well as to assist our chapters, the ASHI Board of Directors has directed the ASHI Headquarters staff to apply for a Group Tax Exemption through the IRS, effective for the start of fiscal year 2013 (October 1, 2012).
What is a group exemption letter?
The IRS sometimes recognizes a group of organizations as tax-exempt if they are under the umbrella of a central organization that already has an exemption. This avoids the need for each of the organizations to apply for exemption individually. A group tax exemption letter has the same effect as an individual exemption letter except that it applies to more than one organization.
A letter explaining the group exemption was sent to all chapter presidents November 7, 2011. If a chapter leader needs a copy of the letter or has questions about it, he or she can contact Russell Daniels at ASHI headquarters, russelld@ashi.org.
Chapter form updated
The “Changes to Chapter Information” form has been updated and can be found under ASHI Documents and Forms on the website.
Discount for new chapter members
It’s simple and effective. Go to the Chapter Recruitment Tools page on homeinspector.org and download the $30 coupon. New chapter members can use it to discount their first year’s chapter dues. The chapter is reimbursed when it submits the coupon to HQ. Questions? Contact Russell Daniels, russelld@ashi.org or 847-954-3185.
Smart Track Chapter Modules
Chapter educational offerings: If your chapter is looking for a convenient method of providing educational offerings to members, Smart Track is the way to make it happen. The Chapter Modules were created as PowerPoint presentations containing technical material, which are downloadable to a computer and can be projected for viewing at a chapter meeting. Each module comes with presentation notes.
Successful completion will earn the attendee two hours of ASHI continuing education for each module, limited to 10 CEs per year obtained from Smart Track.
A Chapter Educational Leader can be registered to access the modules by contacting Michele George via email at micheleg@ashi.org or by phone, 847-954-3188.
Online chapter resources
To access ASHI chapter resources, log in as an ASHI member on www.ASHI.org. Click on the Members-Only tab in the left-hand column, then click on Chapters. You’ll find public relations and marketing materials, chapter recruitment tools, leadership resources, legislative tools and more.
Questions about ASHI chapters?
Contact Russell Daniels, ASHI director of chapter relations, at russelld@ashi.org or 847-954-3185.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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