A Few Media Highlights

by Manning Salvage & Lee January 1, 2007

Manning, Savage and Lee (MS&L), ASHI’s public relations consulting firm, reported on its success in connecting ASHI with publishers during October.

Washington Post – Coordinated an interview between ASHI Member Reggie Marston, Residential Equity Management, Springfield, Va., and Matthew Robb, a writer for the Washington Post, who was working on a story about what homebuyers should look for when visiting a house for the first time. Results: Article ran Oct. 1.

Fort Worth Star-Telegram – Worked with Teresa McUsic, author of the bi-weekly column The Savvy Consumer, on a story regarding the ranking of Texas on this year’s ASHI Position Statement. She used  the White Paper release as a source. Results: Article ran on Oct. 2.

The Enquirer (Cincinnati, Ohio)Arranged an interview between Amy Howell, writer for the Sunday Home section, and Bob Kociolek and Shawn Sebring, president of the North Central Ohio ASHI Chapter. The article was a result of the ASHI Code of Ethics press release. Results: Release date Oct. 15.

Good Morning America – ASHI Member JD Grewell, J.D. Grewell & Associates, Inc., Silver Spring, Md., appeared on Good Morning America, November 6, 2007. His ASHI shirt and nametag were evident, as the reporter told viewers to hire a home inspector to protect themselves when buying a new home. To read the accompanying story, go to http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Consumer/story?id=2630416.

Black Enterprise Magazine – Coordinated an interview between the magazine and Joe Corsetto, ASHI
president 2006.  The article focused on buying vs. building a home. Results: Run date January 2007.   

RealtyTimes.com – Coordinated an interview between RealtyTimes writer Broderick Perkins and Rob Paterkiewicz, ASHI executive director, on ASHI’s Virtual Home Inspection. Results: Article ran Oct. 31.

Monthly Press Release – Drafted and distributed the press release “No Habla English, No Problema: New Spanish Language Home Inspection Materials Make it Easy for Homebuyers to Learn About Home Inspections.”

ASHI press releases are available in the Media & Publicity section of ASHI.org.

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