2022 ASHI Awards

Revealing the winners of this year’s Cox and Monahon awards and more!

March 1, 2023

Active ASHI Certified Home Inspectors Alex Steinberg and Mark Goodman recently took home prestigious awards at the 2023 InspectionWorld. These annual awards recognize ASHI members who have made exceptional contributions to an ASHI chapter or innovative contributions to the ASHI membership.

Philip C. Monahon Award

To be considered for the Philip C. Monahon Award, an ASHI Certified Inspector (ACI) must be dedicated to the goals and ideals of ASHI as stated in the Code of Ethics; have rendered outstanding contributions to ASHI for a minimum of five years; and have contributed time, talent, or expertise that was beneficial to ASHI, its members, and the public ASHI ultimately serves.

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This year’s winner is Alex Steinberg, owner and operator of JBS Home Inspections. Steinberg has spent more than 20 years in the industry working in the Boston area—more than a decade of his work as an ACI. He has completed thousands of inspections, trained several new inspectors, and continued to be an active member of ASHI New England. He has served as the chapter’s president and committed many hours to continuing education, organizing meetings and conferences, and promoting the regional chapter as well as ASHI at large.

“Everything about the home inspection business resonates with who I am and what I enjoy most,” Steinberg has said. “I love the challenge of going somewhere new each day, uncovering the minute details that make up a home’s inner workings, and not knowing in advance what I might discover. Then I get to communicate my findings with my clients … in a way they can understand and make informed decisions. Want to understand how loads transfer down to earth, how heat is made, or electricity operates? That’s the stuff that makes my work rewarding.”

Steinberg has also been working behind the scenes to promote possible legislation to help the home inspection industry.

John E. Cox Member of the Year Award

To be considered for the John E. Cox Member of the Year Award, an ACI must have rendered outstanding service to an ASHI chapter and to the home inspection profession over a period of years.

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This year’s recipient is ASHI President-Elect Mark Goodman, a residential/commercial inspector for Brewer Inspection Services in Manchester, Missouri. He’s been working in the industry for more than eight years—seven as an ACI—and has been heavily involved in the St. Louis ASHI Chapter of ASHI since 2014. Goodman has served twice as president of the St. Louis chapter and will again be president in 2023. His colleagues note his welcoming presence and commitment to continuing education as he’s often presented at chapter meetings, submitted articles for the Reporter., and spoken at conferences.

“The first thing I did when I joined ASHI was to also join the St. Louis Chapter of ASHI and start attending meetings. I joined the chapter to be listed on their website and for the local education opportunities, PR opportunities, camaraderie, and the built-in home inspector support network. The chapter also has a legislative voice and protects consumers by empowering Missouri home inspectors in the same ways as ASHI National,” Goodman previously wrote for the Reporter.

He’s often shared how other home inspectors can make a difference. “You can form your own ASHI meeting group, start a new chapter, or join an existing chapter. You can serve on a committee or task force and become a leader at the chapter or national level, mentor others, or share your knowledge by teaching other home inspectors. Getting involved helps you understand the industry’s landscape and make a difference,” he said.

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Additional Awards

President’s Award: Todd Edly

Ironman Award: David Goldstein

President’s Staff Awards: Michal Krauszowski, Susan Lane

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