2013 Liaison Report

by Stephen M. Gladstone January 1, 2014





2013 Liaison Report

By Stephen Gladstone, ACI



Alden Gibson, Incoming President 2015 and Bill Jaques, President 2013

I just returned from a lovely weekend in the capital city of Ottawa at the 20th annual conference of the Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors (CAHPI). I only wish I had allotted more time to tour the city. There certainly was some very interesting architecture and quite a variety of high-rise buildings in the downtown area, as well as some amazing government buildings worthy of photos. In the burbs I got to see some
of the more traditional homes and student housing for the two universities that are in Ottawa.

The conference was a great opportunity for me to meet so many of our Northern neighbors and a great group of home inspectors from many provinces. We shared war stories, new ideas and some marketing trends. We attended some educational seminars and shared some good meals.

Alden and Gloria Gibson and I manned the ASHI booth, explaining the benefits of dual membership and talking about the educational opportunities, discounts and marketing advantages that come with ASHI membership. As a result, 16 Registered Home Inspectors (RHI) became ASHI Certified Inspectors (ACI), six Associates became ASHI Inspectors, and we helped one member renew his existing membership.

I once again was extended the honor as ASHI Liaison to swear in the board and new officers of CAPHI and to introduce our ASHI president, Bill Jacques. Bill encouraged our two organizations to continue working together toward our common goals and invited all to attend InspectionWorld in Nashville, Tennessee, in January of 2014. Bill even helped us at the booth, explaining the benefit of joining both organizations.

As usual, I thank the conference committee and Executive Director Sharry Featherston for their warm welcome and hospitality. For both our ASHI membership and those CAPHI members reading this, I encourage you all to attend a CAPHI conference in the future. Next year we will be in beautiful Banff, Alberta, where we will savor a glimpse of life in the Northern Rockies. I’m already excited to be attending. Why not plan to eet us there!

Congratulations to re-elected President Blaine Swan, RHI, and many thanks to Pam Sayne, RHI President of OAHI. Happy holidays and we all look forward to a successful 2014.

Stephen Gladstone, ACI



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