2010 ASHI Treasurer’s Annual Report
Financial House is in Good Order
Guess What? Were you expecting bad financial news in ASHI’s 2010 fiscal year treasurer’s report to ASHI members? If you were, you would have been wrong. ASHI’s auditors, Desmond and Ahern Ltd CPAs, have completed their annual certified audit. This audit is done to assure ASHI membership that our financial house is in good order. The bottom line is that ASHI ran a surprisingly good surplus of income over expenses of $85,000 in fiscal year 2010. This keeps ASHI in a strong position to serve its members’ needs.
How was this good result accomplished in a bad housing market? Well, it was a team effort. With Jeff Arnold being hired as ASHI’s new executive director/CEO almost three years ago (February 2008), he and the ASHI Board developed a strategic plan. This strategic plan included stressing new alternative streams of revenue for ASHI and ASHI members, and — “the novel idea” — having a surplus, not a loss from our annual InspectionWorld (IW) conference. Thanks to Jeff, ASHI’s staff and the support and encouragement of your Board and treasurer, we were more successful than we thought possible. This new direction has produced great results and, with your support and encouragement, we hope to do even better in future years.
As our executive director/CEO Jeff said, “Fiscal improvements may be the most dramatic current accomplishment. After finishing in the red for the past two years, we’ve been able to turn finances back into the black, finishing the fiscal year Sept. 30 with a 3.2 percent surplus.” We trimmed the budget, added revenue-producing programs, renegotiated contracts, created a for-profit company and maintained our membership. These actions all have been good for ASHI’s bottom line.
I have been honored and feel proud to have been able to serve as ASHI’s treasurer for the past year and look forward to serving you as president-elect next year. Please e-mail me at: mgoldstein@inspectpro.com with any suggestions for new areas of revenue growth for ASHI inspectors and ASHI. As I complete my 34th year as a proud ASHI member, I would like to thank the officers, directors, staff and ASHI members for your support and encouragement. I ask you to join me in extending our best wishes and support to incoming Treasurer Alden Gibson and the new ASHI Board of Directors.
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