2010 ASHI President’s Annual Report

by David Tamny February 1, 2011

Strategic Planning Becomes Evergreen and More

It is amazing how quickly 2010 has come and gone. The ASHI Board of Directors has had a busy and challenging year. Although the housing market appears to have stabilized, the expiration of the tax credits brought a slowdown for much of our membership. We are hopeful 2011 will be a better year for each of our members and for ASHI. The ASHI Board continues to focus on providing membership value and looking strategically into the future.

Major accomplishments this year include the following:

Strategic Planning.
In April, the Board met for a one-day mini-strategic planning session. Rather than doing a strategic plan every three to five years, our plan will be “evergreen” with short-term goals and periodic updates. The primary areas of marketing, membership, education, alliances and chapters were addressed. Specific goals in our work plan are posted at www.homeinspector.org. Just click on the Publications link.

LTC Chapter Feedback Session.
In October, the Leadership Training Conference (LTC) took a different tack than in previous years. It focused on helping our chapters succeed. At LTC, chapter presidents worked in a facilitated feedback session designed to identify ASHI’s and the chapters’ greatest challenges and opportunities for strengthing member value at the local level. The results of that session were given to the Chapter Task Force to prepare for board action and committee development.

Ancillary Standards.
The membership adopted Swimming Pool and Spa Inspection and Pre-Drywall Inspection Standards. They are the end product of a great deal of work by the Standards Committee, and they represent the fulfillment of our strategic goal to develop additional standards for the inspection of components outside the scope of the ASHI Standards of Practice.

Governance Bylaws Change.  After what was an incredible effort on behalf of the Governance Task Force, the amendment to the ASHI Bylaws failed to achieve the required two-thirds majority. Nonetheless, this was an opportunity for the Board of Directors and the Council of Representatives to work together to discuss what challenges ASHI faces in efficiently governing our society.

ASHI also continued to underwrite successful ongoing programs.

Lobbying in D.C.  
On a federal level, our lobbyist kept ASHI’s name in front of those who influence housing and real estate legislation. With the passage of the financial regulation bill, a provision was included to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to modify its existing housing counseling programs to include robust counseling on home inspections, the benefits they offer, when and how to obtain them, and more. This was a major accomplishment for ASHI. ASHI also has participated with the HUD-sponsored healthy homes coalition. The coalition is a group of business leaders and insurers discussing the impact of dangerous and unhealthy conditions that occur in homes every day as a normal consequence of life and that some manner of programs and diligence should be required, and programs implemented, to address this pervasive problem. ASHI will be presenting at the National Healthy Homes Conference, which takes place in Denver in June of 2011.

Public Relations.
On the public-relations front, our agency handled numerous requests for interviews. As president, I contributed to articles for the Financial Post, the Wall Street Journal on water damage in homes; CNN on meth houses; Forbes on how sellers can get more money for their homes and numerous other opportunities. Gibbs and Soell, our public relations firm, does a great job of getting the ASHI name out to the media and consumers.

I would like to personally thank our staff, under the leadership of Executive Director/CEO Jeff Arnold, for a fantastic job. InspectionWorld 2010 in Las Vegas was tremendously successful and well-received. Our staff also worked hard to bring new endorsed programs and opportunities to enhance our members’ businesses.

As you can see, it has been a busy and successful year. I fully expect that the next year, under President Kurt Salomon, will be even more productive. Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of being ASHI’s president. It truly has been an honor.

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