2007 ASHI Committee Chairs Participate in Planning
During the January Board meeting, 2007 committee chairs participated in developing specific action items and tactics to accomplish the priorities for the new year, established by the Board in October 2006. The action items and tactics became part of the 2007 Work Plan, which provides direction for the committees and task forces. The committee chairs will now work with their committee members to carry out these directives and will report quarterly to the board on the progress.
New Ethics Training Program available to chapters
In December, chapter presidents received an e-mail announcing a first-of-its-kind training program developed specifically for the chapters by the ASHI Ethics Committee.
ASHI Ethics Roundtable Forum for Chapters is a template for chapters to use in presenting Ethics Education sessions for its members. Designed to be modified as necessary to meet the varying dynamics of individual chapters, the program is intended to provide a forum for ethics discussions to take place, allowing membership participation and encouraging individual evaluation of personal ethical positions as ideas are shared among peers. It is important that ethical issues be discussed in a positive tone that avoids accusation and acrimony in a chapter setting.
For additional information, contact Michael Long, ASHI director of education, at 847-954-3188 or michaell@ashi.org.
Welcome back, ASHI Members
Anthony Snyder, ASHI director of membership and marketing, announced that when the Welcome Back Program concluded on December 31, 2006,
113 former ASHI Members had taken advantage of the opportunity to return by meeting the single requirement of paying current dues.
Annual Chapter Survey
Chapter leaders, keep your chapter in good standing by completing this simple, annual administrative task on time. The form was distributed to ASHI’s leadership with First Thing. To request an additional copy, contact Bob Kociolek at 847-954-3177 or bobk@ashi.org.
Staff changes
Mike Rostescu was promoted to Informational Technology (IT) associate, as of December 1, 2006. In this role, Mike will be the administrator for ASHI’s IT department under the supervision of Dick Bennett, ASHI director of finance and human resources. Mike has worked at HQ for two years, first as a part-time fulfillment assistant and more recently as full-time fulfillment & IT assistant. ASHI also retained the training services and hands-on assistance of Paul Apostolos, IT specialist. Contact Rostescu at 847-954-3189 or miker@ashi.org.
Matt Zarko joined ASHI as a part-time fulfillment and administrative assistant to help with product and service sales, as well as administrative projects. He is the brother of Kate Zarko, ASHI membership & marketing coordinator. Contact him at 847-954-3176 or mattz@ashi.org.
MRCs available through chapter seminars
Chapter seminars offer the ASHI Membership a convenient way to earn required MRCs. Some are listed in Education Corner, and others can be found on the list of all MRC-approved seminars posted on the ASHI Web site. To view the full list, visit the Home Inspectors section on www.ashi.org and click on Education and Training in the left hand column.
ASHI calendar of events
• April 13-14, 2007, Board orientation and meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• July 13-14, 2007, Town Hall meeting and board meeting, Pittsburg, Pa.
• Oct. 19-20, 2007, Chapter Leadership Days and board meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• Jan. 16, 2008, Board meeting, New Orleans, La.
• Jan. 17-19, 2008, InspectionWorld New Orleans, New Orleans, La.
• April 11, 2008, Board orientation, Chicago, Ill.
• April 12, 2008, Board meeting, Chicago, Ill.
• July 11, 2008, Town Hall meeting, location TBD
• July 12, 2008, Board meeting, location TBD
• Oct. 16-17, 2008, Chapter Leadership Days, Chicago, Ill.
• Oct. 18, 2008, Board meeting, Chicago, Ill.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.