2006 ASHI Officers

by Edited by ASHI Staff January 1, 2006

Joe-Corsetto.gif Joseph F. Corsetto. President

Shelterworks®, Dover, N. J.

“In my many years of service with ASHI,I have had the pleasure of working with some of the brightest people in the business devoted to the betterment of the profession. Our association is fortunate to have talented people willing to share their experiences with others. What makes this society so special is quite simple:  Our membership genuinely cares about the application of our craft and its effect on the homebuying consumer.  

“ASHI is resolute on influencing the home inspection business in a positive way and as a growing profession. On issues that speak to integrity, our committees and leadership consistently strive to produce a work product that complements this principle. One only needs to reference the many states, jurisdictions and other groups that have copied our Standards and Ethics in part or verbatim. ASHI has earned the title as the birthplace of the home inspection profession.

“As your 2006 president presiding in our 30th year anniversary, I will work to the best of my ability to continue this tradition of fostering high standards. ASHI has a long, distinguished history, but cannot rest on its past achievements. Your association management team of directors and a professional support staff are committed to enhancing our exposure in the national arena and in the eyes and minds of the homebuying consumers.”

Membership highlights:

  • 1984, joined ASHI
  • 1994-96, Garden State Chapter president
  • 1995-96, council representative
  • 1996, Chapter Relations Committee chair
  • 1997, Legislative Committee chair
  • 1997-99, ASHI director
  • 1998-2000, Legislative Committee chair
  • 2002, ASHI secretary
  • 2003, ASHI treasurer
  • 2004, ASHI vice president
  • 2005, ASHI president elect

Frank-Lesh.gif Frank Lesh, President elect

Home Sweet Home Inspection Company, Indian Head Park, Ill.

“I have the ability to see many sides of a question before making a decision.  I have attended every ASHI National Conference since 1989, and I have attended numerous board of directors meetings both as a visitor and as a director. I have attended the last six Chapter Leadership Days. I’ve been awarded the John E. Cox Award, and I was invited to attend as a guest of The Institute of Maintenance and Building Maintenance in England. The IMBM is a leading home inspector organization. I’ve met with representatives from Japan regarding their desire to promote home inspections in that country.”

Membership highlights:

  • 1990, joined ASHI
  • 1998-99, Great Lakes Chapter president
  • 1993, Served on ASHI headquarters transition team (relocation from Virginia to Illinois)
  • 1995-2000, council representative
  • 2001-04, ASHI director
  • 2004, ASHI secretary
  • 2005, ASHI vice president

Charles-Bellfontaine.gif Charles Bellefontaine, Vice President

The Bellman Group, Bolingbrook, Ill.

“I see ASHI being at a crossroad right now. I can give you my agenda and the direction that I would like to see ASHI headed in the future.

“My agenda includes:

  • Keep dues at the new lower rate.
  • Increase branding efforts by increasing press releases and press tours.
  • Cut branding overhead by cutting advertising such as banner ads, PSAs, VNRs and anything else that can be construed as a commercial.
  • Cut branding cost by relying more on our committees and less on consultants and our PR firm.
  • Replenished our reserves.
  • Cut operations overhead.
  • Make ASHI the number one technical resource for home inspection information.”

Membership highlights:

  • 1998, joined ASHI
  • 2002-03 council representative
  • Director Nomination Committee chair
  • Facilities Committee chair
  • 2003-05, ASHI director

david-tamny.gif David Tamny, Treasurer

Professional Property Inspections, Columbus, Ohio

“The finances of ASHI are the responsibility of the treasurer. I have a background in financial services and have worked extensively over the past two years. As secretary, I have sat on the finance committee, and in my third year on the board prior to that I was the first non-officer director to sit on the finance committee as part of the task force to bring clarity to ASHI’s finances helping to bring several new polices and procedures regarding how ASHI reports its finances to the board.

“I have demonstrated my commitment to bring ASHI to a position of fiscal strength and have worked extensively with the budget process. I have a relationship with Dick Bennett, the director of finance, and thoroughly understand ASHI’s accounting and financial structure.”

Membership highlights:

  • 1995, joined ASHI
  • 2000-02, North Central Ohio Chapter founding member
  • 2000-01, council representative
  • 2002-04, ASHI director and Finance Committee-Special Task Group
  • 2005, ASHI secretary

Brion-Grant.gif Brion Grant, Secretary

Northland Home Inspection Inc., Flagstaff, Ariz.

I have been very active in ASHI governance at the state and national level for the past 13 years and will continue to do so. I am quite familiar with ASHI governance, current leadership, the strategic plan, the committee structure, the branding program and the issues currently being addressed. I have the ability to work with people in all types of settings, and I actually enjoy committee meetings. I would like to continue my role in leadership in our society and feel that the timing is right for me to step up to an officer position.

Membership highlights:

  • 1986, joined ASHI
  • 1994, Membership Committee report reviewer
  • 2002-03 council representative
  • 1998 -2000 ASHI director
  • 2001-03, Legislative Committee, state activities chair
  • 2003, National “Iron Man” award recipient
  • 2004, ASHI board of directors
  • 2005, Education Task Force chair

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