2006 Annual Reports: Report from the Executive Director
2006 – A year of major accomplishments
Looking back over 2006, I’m again very pleased and proud of our accomplishments. In the face of a business downturn, our membership numbers grew at a faster rate then we’ve ever experienced. By the end of the year, we had approximately 6,800 in the membership! So much has happened over this past year, and I’m hopeful our announcements and messages are making it through to you. Here’s a brief listing of significant happenings over the past 12 months.
Parallel Inspection launches
Candidates can now conduct real home inspections under the guidance of full ASHI Members that count toward ASHI’s inspection requirements. Nearly 200 full Members across the country are offering this mentoring service. Click here for more.
Member-Get-A-Member Program pays off
ASHI pays $50 for each new Candidate brought into the organization. Over 270 new Candidates have joined ASHI this year as a result, and over $13,000 in referral fees has been earned. This referral program will run for one more year. Member-Get-A-Member Program.
Partnership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
All ASHI Members and Candidates now have their own membership in the U.S. Chamber at no cost to them! Click here for more .
The Inspector e-newsletter continues
This monthly e-newsletter has two editions, one for full Members and Candidates with Logo Use, and the other for Candidates. Each issue provides updated information and links to important materials and resources. Click here.
ASHI Reporter Online expands
Every issue over the past five years is now online and completely searchable by author, topic or date. Each new issue is also added upon publication. Efforts are now underway to upload technical and business articles from Reporter issues dating back to 1995. The ASHI Technical Journals from 1991-1993 have also been uploaded for viewing.
Online Education and Training portal opens
Links the membership to all aspects of ASHI’s education offerings, including the brand new Smart Track online training modules—a series of 10-hour training modules available at no cost. The first two modules are up and running and the additional ones will go live as they are completed. Click here for more.
Hispanic outreach efforts expand
The ASHI Standards, Ethics and answers to commonly asked questions about home inspections were translated into Spanish, and a new area was launched on the ASHI Web site for Spanish-speaking inspection customers. Click here.
Partnership with National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Exclusive opportunity was offered to ASHI Membership to complete and submit a survey on outdoor electrical receptacles, and, in turn, be paid $25 per survey. Discussions continue with several other leading industry associations to offer additional exclusive partnership opportunities. Click here for more.
Chapter Enterprise Award established
Anonymous donor created this award to encourage chapter membership participation at InspectionWorld. Two $750 awards will be given each year. Click here for more.
ASHI.org enhancements
These include all new Search Engine Optimization (SEO) work focused on raising ASHI’s rank on internet searches for home inspectors by state and major city; creation of “Services Offered” directory allowing consumers to search for ASHI Inspectors by specific languages or services offered within a ZIP code; an all new searchable listing of archived responses to the Standards and Ethics Requests for Interpretations; and the debut of the ASHI Chapter Resource area, where chapter leaders can obtain and share resources to help meet the needs of their members.
Ethics Training Course created
All ASHI chapters now have the ability to offer this ethics education and dialog course, as developed by the ASHI Ethics Committee, for their membership. Click here for the PDF.
ASHI Homeowners Insurance Survey Report finalized
After many years in the making, a final version of our Homeowners Insurance Survey Report has debuted online. While predominantly used in the state of Florida, we anticipate that additional insurance companies across the country will start requiring its use before a policy can be authorized. Click here.
Believe it or not, the above list is not complete. It doesn’t include the multitude of other activities like our Annual Conference InspectionWorld, the continued growth in media coverage of ASHI and its membership, new chapters, staff and internal operations enhancements, new products and services for sale in our marketplace, federal and state legislative accomplishments and more.
We’ll keep this momentum going, I promise. We’re here to serve you and to provide what you need from us. Your continued membership in ASHI is very important, and we thank you for it. From all of us here at ASHI HQ, best
wishes for a successful 2007.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.