2003 ASHI Committee Reports
Bylaws Committee
Purpose: To prepare amendments to Society Bylaws when requested.
Chair: David Drewry
Board liaison: Robert Gwaltney
Staff liaison: Bob Kociolek
Members: Stephen Dexter, John Geiger, Robert, Grafe, Charles Wiersum
There were no requests for interpretations or suggestions for Bylaw revisions this year.
Complaint (CEPP and CCAC) Committee
Purpose: To review and dispose of complaints filed against Candidates and Members
Chair and staff liaison: Jim Vykopal
Board liaison: Don Norman
Members: Richard Armstrong, Ted Johnson, Mark Oldroyd, Larry Ross
The committee handled 286 complaints in 2003.
Chapter Relations Committee
Purpose: To foster a beneficial relationship between ASHI National and ASHI Chapters
Chair: Dennis Parra, Sr.
Board liaison: David Tamny
Staff liaison: Bob Kociolek
Members: Jay Balin, Steven Baranello, Greg Caudill, Jack Feldmann, Ronald Rusch, David Sherwood, Steve Verssen
New programs this past year included recognizing chapters at InspectionWorld for making significant gains in membership, conducting a leadership workshop in conjunction with the Town Hall meeting in Washington, D.C., and sending David Sherwood, a committee member, to Idaho to assist the leaders of the struggling Great Basin Chapter. In addition, the committee was called upon to provide input for The ASHI Experience chapter CD, and to develop plans/programs to assist chapters in implementing the branding program—work it continues this year.
Code of Ethics Committee
Purpose: To develop and maintain recommended ethics for the profession
Chair: Chris Ueland Board liaison: Joe Corsetto
Staff liaison: Jim Vykopal
Members: John Cahill, William Coull, Keith Oberg, Roger Robinson, William Sutton, Stuart Zwang
Ueland summed up this year’s achievements: “The members of the Code of Ethics Committee diligently worked hundreds of hours and were deeply committed to the historic importance of updating the Code of Ethics and committed to making the Code easier to understand and in keeping with the wishes of ASHI Members. Our task was made easier by the careful and useful feedback and suggestions that came from hundreds of Members that enabled us to develop the proposal they are now voting on. Thank you, ASHI Members and Code of Ethics Committee members.”
Conference Planning Committee
Purpose: To plan and produce the Society’s annual conference
Co-chairs: Don Norman, Steve Gladstone
Staff liaison: Angela Orlando
This year, the committee focused on successfully launching The ASHI Experience at InspectionWorld, while retaining the traditional educational, networking values of the conference. It also was a year for identifying new sponsorship opportunities, e.g., key cards. Watch for InspectionWorld highlights in April.
Director Nominating Committee
Purpose: To establish the proposed slate of the most qualified Director candidates
Chair: Melvin F. Jacobs
Staff liaison: Bob Kociolek
Members: John Wenger, Howard Pegelow, Mikki Mertz
The committee completed its task of selecting a slate of five nominees for the position of directors and one alternate as directed by the Bylaws and COR policy and procedures.
Education Committee
Purpose: To provide and review education materials and programs for the home inspection profession
Chair: Kenneth Salvo
Board liaison: Jamie Dunsing
Staff liaison: Jim Jones
Members: John Gerardi, William Jacques, Richard Kraenbring, Scott Patterson, Joe Staub, Pat Thiel, John Wenger, Les Van Alstine
Salvo reports, “One of the 2003 Education Committee members’ primary functions was to select speakers for InspectionWorld 2004. We had a difficult time making our final selections this year from an excellent pool of speaker candidates. The feedback I’ve received from those in attendance indicates that the committee did a good job… folks had a hard time making up their minds as to which session to attend. Thanks to all of the committee members for their hard work and dedication in helping to make InspectionWorld 2004 a success!”
The committee also addressed gaining states’ approval for CEUs for registration licensing requirements, MRC guidelines, and the need for relationships with related professional associations to offer more diverse educational opportunities to the membership.
Elections Committee
Purpose: To oversee and supervise elections and campaigns and take appropriate action to insure they are run in a fair and impartial manner
Chair: Danny Maynard
Staff liaison: Rob Paterkiewicz
Members: Larry Hoyt, Anthony Galeota
While prepared to act if needed, there were no incidents this year that required this committee’s involvement.
Executive Director Evaluation Committee
Purpose: To assist the Board in monitoring and evaluating the Society’s Executive Director
Chair: John Ghent
Board liaison: Mike Casey
Staff liaison: Rob Paterkiewicz
The committee conducted an annual performance review of the Executive Director in accordance with the current contract.
Facilities Committee
Purpose: To monitor the condition and maintenance of ASHI’s headquarters building
Chair: Charles Bellefontaine
Board liaison: Don Norman
Staff liaison: Russell Daniels
Regular maintenance was performed as scheduled
Finance Committee
Purpose: To guide financial planning and policies for the Society
Chair: Joe Corsetto, ASHI treasurer
Staff liaison: Cindy Paterkiewicz
Members: Michael Casey, Stephen Gladstone, Richard Matzen, Don Norman, Keith Ruehl
The committee guided ASHI’s Board of Directors as it allocated $1.2 million dollars to implement the branding program, with phased time lines from May 2003 through January 2005. Guidance also was provided for the other financial activities of the Society. See the February 2004 ASHI Reporter for the annual treasurer’s report.
Leadership Committee
Purpose: To assist the ASHI Board in monitoring committee activities and to help ASHI improve its leadership development and training
Chair: Rich Matzen
Staff liaison: Rob Paterkiewicz
Members: Mike Casey, Joseph Corsetto, Stephen Gladstone, Don Norman, Keith Ruehl
The committee continued to pursue its objectives, including providing ongoing leadership training.
Legislative Committee
Purpose: To ensure that all legislative efforts benefit ASHI and the home inspection profession
Chairs: Brion Grant/state; Stephen Gladstone/federal
Staff liaisons: Bob Kociolek/state; Rob Paterkiewicz/federal
Members: Joseph Cummins, Marvin Goldstein, William Hatchett, Jim Hemsell, Andrew Kasznay, Hugh Kelso, William Richardson
State Legislation Chair Grant described 2003 as “a year of maintenance and assistance. The ASHI position statement was updated, and the grading of the regulated states was revised as additional states were added and rules were modified in others. The committee again represented the inspection profession at the National Conference of State Legislators, and consulted with our members in many states about ways to influence the regulatory process in their areas. It has been a privilege serving the Society on this committee for the past several years and I am turning over the reigns to a very able leader in Andy Kasnay. Remain vigilant!”
Under the direction of Steve Gladstone, federal co-chair, ASHI continued to expand its presence in Washington, D.C., through the services of Randy Pense, ASHI lobbyist, and other activities.
Membership Committee
Purpose: To recruit and retain the Society’s Membership
Chair: Donald Lovering
Board liaison: David Whittle
Staff liaisons: Jim Jones, Heather Henning
Members: Ray Begin, John Flanagan, Alden Gibson, Jean-Paul Pilot, Ronald Rusch, Deb Wenneman
Lovering recapped the year: “A small group of very dedicated individuals contributed many hours with positive attitudes towards the 2003 work assignments. Communication was wide open for exchanges of ideas and completion of our goals. The pinnacle of our year was Board approval of a streamlined membership entry for New Jersey and Canadian OHI members based on their licensing requirements. The committee is excited about the new year and the branding initiative.”
Officer Nominating Committee
Purpose: To identify and name candidates who meet ASHI’s leadership requirements for the offices of President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer
Chair: Mike Casey
Staff liaison: Rob Paterkiewicz
Members: Leon Costanten, Charles Gifford, Brion Grant,
William Jacques, Frank Libero, Don Nelson, Ken Salvo, Tim Tucker
The chair is a past officer, appointed by the President and approved by the Board. The Council of Represen-tatives selects the remainder of the committee from among its members by election. The committee completed its responsibilities as charged.
Public Relations Committee
Purpose: To promote ASHI and the home inspection profession to the general public, related industry organizations and home inspectors
Chair: Skip Kelley
Board liaison: Donald Norman
Staff liaison: Sandy Bourseau
Members: Corey Friedman, Dan Howard, Keven Kossler, Thomas Kraeutler, Danny Maynard, Paul Staron, Tim Tucker
Kelley reported, “This year we worked on The ASHI Experience. I am very happy to say that the response to its launch at InspectionWorld was overwhelming. To see over 400 members plant their hard-earned cash down on the table, without being billed mind you, was a sight to behold. The Public Relations Committee, in partnership with the branding team consultants and ultimately the unanimous consent of the 2003 Board of Directors, will change the way we do business, yes business, forever. Thanks for the efforts of all the ambassadors and supporters of this monumental undertaking.”
Members of the committee were called on to provide information and feedback to shape The ASHI Experience. In addition, the committee hosted a meeting of the National Coalition of Home Inspection Associations in Albuquerque, as part of its mission to establish relationships with allied organizations throughout the industry.
Standards Committee
Purpose: To develop and maintain recommended home inspection standards.
Chair: JD Grewell
Board liaison: Tim Stull
Staff liaison: Jim Vykopal
Members: Matt Bradfeldt, William Coull, Mark Cramer, Dan Friedman, David Goldstein, Roger Hankey, William Richardson, Bill Stanley, Douglas Zimmerman
Grewell shared highlights: “In the spring, the committee reviewed the Standards and Ethics ASHI Exam. A further review may be needed after Members vote on proposed changes. The committee participated in reviewing the National Association of Home Builders Performance Guidelines, and reported the results to the Board. I attended the committee chair workshop this fall, and now the 2004 committee awaits assignments via the Strategic Planning task force. We anticipate being assigned the task of generating guidelines for the Service Standards relating to The ASHI Experience. The 2004 committee hosted a public hearing, January 16, 2004 in Albuquerque, and thanks to all who participated.”
Technical Committee
Purpose: To serve as ASHI’s watchdog for accuracy and relevance in all technical matters
Chair: John E. Cranor
Board liaison: Frank Lesh
Staff liaison: Carlos Tabora
Members: Norman Clark, Garet Denise, James Hanratty, Barry Irby, Jim Katen, Richard Lukoff, Arlene Puentes
Cranor thanked committee members for reviewing and rewriting technical content for The ASHI Experience Web site and print ads, often on short notice. Committee members also reviewed a steady stream of ideas and articles for the ASHI Reporter, commenting on both level of interest and technical content. And the committee regularly checked Web site resource and technical links.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.