s130204-3 Please clarify the requirement to describe the absence of insulation

Identifier: s130204-3

Date: 02/12/2013


The requirement to describe the absence of insulation appearsto suggest it should not be present since there is no requirement to describeits presence, unlike the way the description requirement for section 7.1.B.4 isworded for smoke detectors. Interestingly, the requirement to inspect insulation (that must bedescribed to be absent) appears in 11.1.A.1, which suggests it SHOULD bepresent (and thus described also). Please clarify and provide guidance on how to comply with this standard.


ASHI Standards of Practice Clause11.1.A.1 states:  “The inspectorshall inspect insulation and vapor retarders in unfinished spaces.”  Inspecting involves visually examiningreadily accessible installed systems and components and determining if thosecomponents are not functioning properly, significantly deficient, unsafe, orare near the end of their service lives. (See the definition of inspect and Clause 2.2.B.1) 

This inspector is, therefore,required to determine if insulation and vapor retarders are present inunfinished spaces and to determine if the insulation and vapor retarders arenot functioning properly, significantly deficient, unsafe, or are near the endof their service lives.  If, forexample, there is no insulation at a conditioned surface, this situation is a significant deficiency and should be reported under bothClause 11.1.A.1 and under Clause 11.1.B.2.

Clause 11.1.B.1 states:  “The inspector shall describe (the)insulation and vapor retarders in unfinished spaces.”  The definition of describe states:  “To identify (in writing) a system or component by its typeor other distinguishing characteristics.”

The inspector is, therefore, required to identify the type of insulation and vapor retarders that are present and visible in unfinished spaces. If, for example, the insulation consists of fiberglass batts with a vapor retarder turned toward conditioned space, the inspector should so state.

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