s120913 What do I report when an attic hatch is sealed?
Identifier: s120913
Date: 02/26/2012
When doing an inspection for a buyer and finding the attic hatch sealed or screwed shut, is it okay to state that I didn’t enter the attic because it was sealed?
ASHI Standards of Practice (SoP) clause 2.2.C.4 requires the inspector to report systems and components designated for inspection that were present, not inspected, and the reason(s) why they were not inspected (emphasis added.)
Stating that the attic was not inspected because the hatch was sealed shut complies with the SoP. The nature or type of client is not relevant. Clause 2.2.C.4 applies to all home inspections.
While not required by the SoP, best reporting practices include recommending that the client have the system or component inspected and informing the client that there are risks in not having the system or component inspected. These best reporting practices may reduce complications for the client and the inspector.