s120730 Do I have to explain how to fix a defect?
Identifier: s120730
Date: 08/22/2012
If Iwrite, say for example, the gutters are damaged, do I have to give a written explanation on how to fix them?
Inspectorsare not required to design or specify the methods of repairing a deficiency identified during an inspection. ASHI Standards of Practice (SoP) general exclusion 13.2.A.5 states inspectors are not required to determine correctionmethods. SoP clause 2.3.B allows (but does not require) inspectors to design or specify repairs if the inspector is qualified and willing to do so.
Related clauses include 3.2.A, 13.1.A, 13.2.B.2, and 13.2.B.3. These clauses also do not require a home inspection written report to include any form of design services such as architectural, engineering, and other trades and professions.