s060922 Plumbing Systems

Identifier: s060922

Date: 09/20/2022


When the SOP states: "Interior water supply and distribution systems, including fixtures and faucets.", the word systems is italicized. If this sentence is describing two systems that are part of a much larger system that is called the "plumbing system", would the two systems I just described be considered subsystems? I do not see the concept of subsystems described anywhere in the SOP. I only see mention of "systems" and "components". This leaves me asking whether the fixtures and faucets are components of the interior water supply system, or are the fixtures and faucets components of the distribution system? Identifying items that are mentioned in the SOP as either a system or a component, would serve to make reading the SOP and applying these standards to our home inspections and reports. I am presuming that the words "including fixtures and faucets" was added for clarification. If the interior water supply system involves a private well, I see no clarification of which components of a private well must be included in the inspection.


Fixtures and faucets are components of the plumbing system, not subsystems.

A plumbing system consists of three parts: the potable water supply system (i.e., incoming service and distribution pipes); the drainage system (including drain, waste, and vents); and fixtures and equipment (i.e., faucets, sinks, tubs, showers, etc.).

See Section 6.1A and Section 6.1B of the SoP for the items to be inspected and described and Section 6.2 for the exclusions

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