e111018 Sponsoring a table at a real estate office awards program
Identifier: e111018
Date: 11/06/2011
Question: I would like to sponsor a table ($300)at a breakfast awards program at a real estate office. There will be additionalsponsors other than home inspectors who will have tables. Does this tableviolate CoE 1C? Does buying a table at a breakfast awards program for a real estateoffice differ from buying a table at a home show or street fair?
Response: This is not a violation of the ASHI Code of Ethics if the ASHI associate member's purchase of the $300 table is not exclusive. Is the program open to all home inspectors in the service area? If other inspectors have the opportunity but choose not to participate, that is their marketing decision; however, if our associate member has been assured an exclusive, and if this exclusive right to market also comes with an assurance that his position on any in-house referral list will be placed above other qualified inspectors, then it is a violation of CoE 1C.