e090729 Can I join a networking marketing organization?
Identifier: e090729
Date: 11/12/2009
Can I join a network marketing organization? This organization is called XXX and is a worldwide network marketing organization.You pay a annual fee of $330. Only one professional from an industry can join at a time. The concept is to get referrals from other business professionals and also give referrals to those business professionals. There is no monetary reward for either giving or receiving a referral. The only reward is more businessfor your own company. You are not considered a preferred vendor.
Participation by an ASHI Inspector in a networking organization does not violate the ASHI Code of Ethics as long as the inspector adheres to the Code of Ethics in the relationships developed as a result ofbeing a member of the networking organization.
The purpose of networking organizations is to allow professionals from varying fields an opportunity to meet and become familiar with the services of others in the group and to see ways in which the members may cooperate to increase business for the members.
As long as an ASHI Inspector does not provide compensation for referrals to another member in the group there is no violation of the ASHI Code of Ethics. Likewise, the inspector shall not accept compensation for any referrals provided and should recommend contractors, services or products the inspector believes will meet the needs of the client.