e081211 Avoiding potential conflict in offering landscaping, rain collection services
Identifier: e081211
Date: 12/11/2008
I want to market Rain Collection systems and landscaping services as one complete package. Some grading issues may need to be addressed. Will clearly stating in my marketing material that work cannot be obtained from a home inspection help avoid conflict with the Code of Ethics?
This RFI isrelated to the following provision of the CoE:
1.F.Inspectors shall not repair, replace, or upgrade, for compensation, systems or components covered by ASHI Standards of Practice, for one year after the inspection.
As the housing market has declined, many inspectors understandably have sought to supplement their inspection income with additional services that may be related to elements of a home inspection. In this case, the issue revolves around the incidental work of grading around the house (covered by the SoP) as part of the rain collection and landscaping services offered.
As with most ethics questions, this requires an examination of the boundaries currently established to protect our clients. Nevertheless, in this case the member has anticipated the possibility of a conflict and is setting up the new services in such a way that these services will not be provided on homes he or she has inspected, and as a result, no conflict will occur.
We all recognize the need to maintain and operate a viable business and in difficult economic times, a conflict can arise that causes us to question our basic principles. We must not loose sight of our duty to our profession and to the legacy we leave to those who will follow. An organization with high standards and values must adhere to its principles even through the adversity that an economic downturn can bring.