e050810 Can new inspectors use phone numbers of retired inspectors as a way to gain business?

Identifier: e050810

Date: 03/02/2006


Is it a violation of the Code of Ethics for Candidates to use business phone numbers purchased from retired ASHI members, whose phone book listings include the ASHI logo, to gain clients?      


The acceptable use of ASHI’s logo is strictly regulated by the Society under its Logo Use Policy.  The Code of Ethics addresses the use of the logo only in general principle as described in 3.A.  “Advertising, marketing, and promotion of inspectors’ services or qualifications shall not be fraudulent, false, deceptive, or misleading.”  Purchasing and using an out-of-business ASHI member’s phone numbers, with phone book listings which include the logo, when the purchaser has not earned the right to use that logo, would clearly be fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading, in violation of the Code.

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