e010813 Can an inspector pay real estate agents a referral fee?
Identifier: e010813
Date: 10/17/2001
Is it ethical to pay a real estate organization an up-front fee and a per transaction fee to get business referred?
No, it is not ethical for a home inspector to pay a real estate organization an up-front fee OR a per transaction fee to get business referred. Please see additional details in the Ethics RFI's attached by our HQ Staff,
e010212c - Transaction fees to real estate organizations and
e010112c - Fees to realty companies for referrals or advertising as preferred inspectors.
Finally, participation by ASHI Members and candidates in seemingly similar realty company programs does not mean that those Members and Candidates are in compliance with the ASHI Code of Ethics. All Members & Candidates should critically and independently evaluate whether the programs they themselves participate in are contrary to the Code of Ethics. Violations by others is no excuse.