s060922 Plumbing Systems
Question When the SOP states: “Interior water supply and distribution systems, including fixtures and faucets.”, the word systems is italicized. If this sentence is describing two systems that are part […]
Question When the SOP states: “Interior water supply and distribution systems, including fixtures and faucets.”, the word systems is italicized. If this sentence is describing two systems that are part […]
QUESTION (edited): Is the inspector required to operate overcurrent protection devices? Are overcurrent protection devices normal operating controls as defined in the 2006 Standards of Practice? ANSWER: The inspector is not required […]
Question: The requirement to describe the location of the fuel shutoff is in the Plumbing section. Which shutoff(s) is thisreferring to—a water heater? a boiler? If it is the latter, […]
Question: The requirement to describe the absence of insulation appearsto suggest it should not be present since there is no requirement to describeits presence, unlike the way the description requirement […]
Question: Modern engineering and design of crawlspaces discourages the use of ventilation since it introduces moisture into the house. Thus the absence of ventilation is not necessarily a reportable defect. Does […]
Question: If Iwrite, say for example, the gutters are damaged, do I have to give a written explanation on how to fix them? Response: Inspectorsare not required to design or […]
Question: When doing an inspection for a buyer and finding the attic hatch sealed or screwed shut, is it okay to state that I didn’t enter the attic because it […]
Question: Please confirm that it is not required by SOP to provide gas leak testing or CO detection on combustible gas appliances and under which SOP does this fall? Answer: […]
Question: Does the presence of possible asbestos containing materialneed to be reported if it is not friable and is still in a solid form. Why: Some attorneys and/or judges have […]
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