Mock Inspections

Educating real estate agents about new construction inspections The Keller Williams office in Greater Boston recently invited ASHI-certified home inspectors to educate them about new construction inspections—including what they look […]

Radon Is Real And It Causes Cancer

This article is the first of two addressing the number-one environmental hazard in the home, radon gas. The first part addresses radon gas, the scientific evidence of radon as a known carcinogen and general background information. The second part discusses radon testing, radon mitigation and the business case for radon testing as an ancillary home inspection service.

Aluminum Wiring

The Word’s topic this month is aluminum wiring. The Word finds this topic interesting because there is a lot of controversy and misinformation out there about this material. Maybe we can clear up some of this and provide our clients with information they can use to make decisions about homes with this material. Let’s start by setting the scene for our story.

Are You Checking for Carbon Monoxide Alarms?

The facts on carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in American households are staggering. Recent National Fire Protection Association studies claim an estimated 80,000 carbon monoxide incidents occurred in 2010 in the United States.

Maintaining Air Quality During Winter Months

Improving the quality of the air at home can have a huge impact on staying healthy and comfortable throughout the winter, but homeowners often are not aware of that. Clean air relieves indoor allergies and may help ward off sickness, especially when hosting friends and family for the holidays. Educating clients on how to maintain optimum home air quality is one of the tasks a home inspector can take on when examining the state of a client’s home.

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