Are These Violations of the ASHI Code of Ethics?
In this column, ASHI’s Ethics Committee addresses dilemmas faced by home inspectors.

In this column, ASHI’s Ethics Committee addresses dilemmas faced by home inspectors.
Are These Violations of the ASHI Code of Ethics? In this column, ASHI’s Ethics Committee addresses dilemmas faced by home inspectors.
Know the Code!
Know the Code
Know the Code!
Samurai, Home Inspecting, and Ethics. How they all come together.
In this article, we will get into the nitty-gritty of it by discussing strategies to avoid complaints from the start. Ultimately this strategy can help set the right expectations for your business
and enhance the experience of your customer and real estate professionals.
There’s a disconnect amongst
inspectors throughout the U.S. between what they believe their job is and what their job actually is — and it tarnishes the views agents and the public have of us as an industry despite our best intentions.
The ASHI Code of Ethics Committee is charged with developing ethics education and awareness for ASHI members and answering Requests for Interpretation (RFI) of our Code of Ethics. When serious […]
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