The Philip C. Monahon Award recognizes an individual who has made exceptional and innovative contributions to the ASHI Membership.
The recipient must be an ASHI Certified Inspector who is dedicated to the goals and ideals of ASHI as stated in ASHI’s Code of Ethics and, as an ASHI Certified Inspector, has rendered outstanding contributions to ASHI for a minimum of five (5) years. Contributions consist of time, talent, or expertise that has benefited the Society, its members, and the general public, which ASHI ultimately serves.
Nomination of an individual:
All ASHI Certified Inspectors are encouraged to submit their nomination for the Philip C. Monahon Award. The nomination should include how the individual has contributed to ASHI and other vital information on why the individual should be considered for the award. Submissions received after the established deadline of December 10, 2023, cannot be accepted.
Evaluation of Nominees:
Nominees are evaluated by the Philip C. Monahon Award Committee, which consists of three (3) previous award recipients. The committee is chosen by the ASHI President from the immediate past five living recipients, with the chairman to be chosen among themselves.
Announcement of Award:
The Philip C. Monahon Award Recipient will be announced at the Annual Conference, InspectionWorld.

Philip C. Monahon Award Nomination Form

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